Our Services

Through this coaching conversations that can be either by telephone or in person, we as Parent Coaches help you re-discover your dreams for yourself and your children, while helping you design action steps to attain them.
During your coaching conversations with our Certified Parent Coach you can expect lots of understanding, compassion, and support. You can expect questions that may surprise or challenge you. You can expect to receive practical resources and relevant facts to re-define “problems,” along with spontaneous ideas which often bring smooth “solutions.” You can expect to laugh more; be easier on yourself and your children. You can expect that your partnership with a PCI Parent Coach will create a lot of positive synergy and with that comes more abundant creativity, fun, and deeper satisfaction. You can expect lots of positive changes…even deep transformation for the entire family!
We help individuals choose an appropriate career based on their interests, skills and abilities. The main objective of career counselling is to help students pick a field that complements their abilities and skills the most.
During a career counselling session, career counsellor works with students and individuals in a well-defined pattern for
career counselling. Career counsellor determines individual’s strengths, weaknesses, learning patterns and interests. Career counsellor uses many Assessment tools like Inborn Intelligence testing, Aptitude Test, IQ, Personality Test or Career Interest Inventory tests to understand the individual in career counselling. Based on the reports, the career counsellor then works along with the individual to find a potential and best-fit career choice during a career counselling session. From helping choose the right subjects, board, course, college to choosing the right job, the career counsellor guides an individual in mapping the entire pathway to the desired goal. This is what you can expect from a session of career counselling.


Our aim of behaviour therapy is to teach the person techniques or skills to alter their behaviour. Our techniques use
reinforcement, punishment, shaping, modeling, and related techniques to alter behavior.
Unlike some other types of therapy that are rooted in insight (such as psychoanalytic therapy and humanistic therapies),
behavioral therapy is action-based. Because of this, behavioral therapy tends to be highly focused. The behavior itself is the problem and the goal is to teach people new behaviors to minimize or eliminate the issue.
There are a number of different types of behavioral therapy. The type of therapy used can depend on a variety of factors,
including the condition that is being treated and the severity of the symptoms.
Applied behavior analysis
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
Dialectical behavioral therapy
Exposure therapy
Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT)
Social learning theory
and more…
We use well-studied mental health treatment. Our method help people change the unhelpful thinking and behavior patterns that are keeping them stuck. We help you to reframe your unhelpful thoughts.
Here are few ways to train your brain to think differently
Reframe your unhelpful thoughts.
Prove yourself wrong.
Create a personal mantra.
and more…